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A friendly word about this site

It is clear to me after many conversations that, in addition to excited crypto people who are already in the NFT market, many people interested in this project are first attracted to the historical aspects of it but they are still not quite sure about this whole NFT thing. That’s actually great because it means for many people, Bygone NFT will be their onramp to the whole crypto space. (and what a crazy exciting space it is!)

But that also means I need to slow down and explain things in quite a bit of detail so you can feel confident in your knowledge of what we are trying to accomplish.

Hence, this site and its associated videos. I want the community that grows around Bygone NFT to be among the most knowledgable in this space because we have a lot of important work to do. So, if anything on this site is incorrect or confusing, please let me know how I can make it better.

It is clear to me after many conversations that, in addition to excited crypto people who are already in the NFT market, many people interested in this project are first attracted to the historical aspects of it but they are still not quite sure about this whole NFT thing. That’s actually great because it means for many people, Bygone NFT will be their onramp to the whole crypto space. (and what a crazy exciting space it is!)

But that also means I need to slow down and explain things in quite a bit of detail so you can feel confident in your knowledge of what we are trying to accomplish.

Hence, this site and its associated videos. I want the community that grows around Bygone NFT to be among the most knowledgable in this space because we have a lot of important work to do. So, if anything on this site is incorrect or confusing, please let me know how I can make it better.


Who is this guy?

I’m Chadwick and I started Bygone NFT to bring together my biggest passions: HISTORY, FILMMAKING and CRYPTO/NFTs.

As soon as I was able to wrap my head around this new tech, I immediately began thinking of ways to develop NFT utility. I became convinced right away that there is enormous value in verifiable and authenticated digital property. So I looked around for an industry that could benefit from this. I didn’t have to look far because my house is filled with historical artifacts. 

A lightbulb went off and I started coming up with ways NFT tech can help with the restoration, preservation and enjoyment of physical historical property.

My answer is Bygone NFT.

My professional background is marketing and alliance management. I have applied my skillset to several industries including finance, medical and automotive. I live in the Southwest United States and am married with 3 awesome kids. I am also a filmmaker and am working on a new interactive storytelling technique that will further utilize these NFTs. The photo below is from one of these stories.